Sunday, February 1, 2009

What Nice Breasts You Have

An offer he can not refuse

, a colleague and I have decided to spend a few days in Luxor. Once we have something more considered, it would probably have a better than the 6-Clock-flight given. Never mind, yes we are on holiday. Instead of taxis ordered
holds a goat cart, including turban reinforced driver in front of the hotel. We might have to bargain less hard.
few hours later we arrive in Luxor. At lunch in the restaurant, we learn to know Mahmud, service and expert bargain. Of course he has friends, which we do like to go for a few pounds to the attractions of the area. His price expectations but actually undercut the competition, so we arrange for a tour the next day. Today we first have to own the temple. That is a must, one feels like a hundred thousand other tourists shaft have already found it, there is a Tower of Babel. Much is difficult to see because, crowds jostle for it. Next time we get up very early. Moment - we had that. Then we sneak containing the end of the day over the fence. Let's see how secure the necessary precautions are really here.


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