Saturday, September 6, 2008

Driver's License Renewal In Cleveland

music: flute tones

I just finished a training course by Yamaha for their concept flute tones . This is actually a teaching concept to the class music with recorders. Some colleagues have already had good experiences, I want my class to perform well and therefore my views in more detail.

The whole concept is about a student directory with student CD, a teacher's book with a CD teacher (on additional items) and of course about flutes from Yamaha. The latter is of course not absolutely necessary, but the Yamaha plastic recorders are attractive, sound good and are even for a rental concept because they can be washed in the dishwasher. In addition, they are not expensive.

goes for lessons in the first instance so that a class makes music together. Therefore, the first volume consists of very simple pieces, with tones only for the left hand. The whole thing sounds really interesting but because it does not simply so taken whistled to himself, but to play on the CD. That makes her immediately what, even if you only play c and a can.

Often the pieces into small pieces and divided into different groups play a block so that it really easy for the children. Those who can have more, more play and then there is always accompanied by proposals for the F-flute (also available in dishwasher from Yamaha). Here, the accompaniment is very simple, but it helps if a teacher has an idea of what an alto, and perhaps even ever played).

The teacher's book are indeed already many proposals on how to work out the pieces, but I recommend anyone who wants to apply this, to the training. It was really tiring, because it Friday right after school started (okay, you had to go there yet) and today it went straight on, but it was worth it for me very much. One gets again completely different ideas, much clearer view of the whole concept, one is relieved because the demands of teaching are clearly set out again (just making music that is in the foreground) and it was never boring.

to the individual pieces can ever be even after dancing or playing with other instruments. Some pieces can even be used without having to work with recorders. I will try some time even with my little ones, but with the flutes our participation at the earliest in the second half. It went well, even now, but I want them to first learn a few basics in dealing with each other. * G *


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