Sunday, March 7, 2010

Missil Digital 10 X 25 Camera Binoculars

tv study on tuition by the Bertelsmann Foundation

little late, but I've only just heard of this study (by the TIME article ):

expenditure on tuition: expensive and unfair compensation for the lack of setup can be customized promotion

"tuition is part of many children and adults in Germany to everyday life: About 1.1 million students take regular paid tutoring to complete. Overall, parents spend a year up to 1.5 € billion from this. That's according to a new study by the Bertelsmann Foundation, which submitted the educational researchers Klaus Klemm and Anne Marie Klemm. Accordingly, tuition is already at the primary level is a central theme: It is often claimed, if at the end of primary school is about the recommendation for high school. According to the Bertelsmann Foundation is increasing by the privately-organized tutoring system, the chance of unfairness of the education system - tutoring for their children can usually only afford the more affluent parents. International examples show that privately funded tuition largely superfluous is found in schools where good concepts for the individual development application. "


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