Monday, July 2, 2007

Where To Play Racquetball In Nyc

blood donations - sport for real men

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Ich war ja am Samstag das erste Mal Plasma spenden. Ganz alleine bin ich hingegangen…man könnte todesmutig sagen. Ich habe ja eine verdammte Spritzenangst, ich kann das nichtmal im Fernsehen sehen wenn jemand eine Spritze bekommt…das geht mir unter die Haut. Aber hey,…ich bin ien echter Mann und stelle mich meinen Ängsten und gebe alles.
Also auf in die Innenstadt und an der Rezeption angemeldet. Dann erstmal 20 Minuten gewartet und dann meinen Blutdruck und meine Temepratur messen lassen während ich einen banalen Fragebogen ausgefüllt have.
All right, I'm top-fit and off you go. ... But wait another 15 minutes. Then I may in the matrix space where all the other blood-whores are already lined up neatly.
I would choose me which arm to be bitten - is Wump me, it will put the right one.
A nurse told me everything to pump when I do not know when
etc. Then comes the moment where the needle comes into play ... and my dear swan, the device is already really a big chunk. I had spontaneously at any needles with which they think my grandma has always stuffed socks. Does not hurt, is clear. But yes, the pain is more mental nature, and when I got the needle is in my See my elbow is already schwumerant a little. Then the machine starts to work on and I see how my blood there runs through the tubes. I will continue to break bad and I'm honestly about to. Only the male pride ( What about that because if you made to whimper like a child now because stuff) makes me pumps busy. While I could have pump of course I fear that just maybe my machine a defect - that pump out only, no return. Mortgage Free blood so this machine. Is easier but at some point the return process.
All went three times and the third pump-action tingle my arm was already on, which means but may be more psychosomatic nature.
When my stupid bottle was full at last I've made three crosses. Then I went
basically okay. Although my breakfast consisted of only one slice of bread and a Ballisto I had no problems such as dizziness, etc, and pulse and blood pressure were okay.
Then There Were coal, 23 € in total, 18 € and 5 € for donations welcome bonus. That's okay, then you can complain nciht.
the whole Saturday on me yet but I somehow felt dull. But can also come quite out of the realm of imagination of a splash-phobic. ALso
twice a week I will not do the magic for sure, but me is the time required already really too big (with a total bus then two hours), but every few weeks if you hold city must isses eh ... okay


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